Unfortunately, Braelle was having so much fun at Thanksgiving that we did not get one single picture. BUT, she wore that sweater dress above...^ and she looked adorable! You'll just have to take my word for it! Braelle pretty much smiled the whole day on Thanksgiving. I seriously think she might have had the best day of her life. This girl LOVES her family.
Life at 14 months:
- I'm pretty sure Braelle is working on 4 more teeth coming soon. Just like she had 8 teeth at 8 months, she might end up with 14 teeth at 14 months! Her big bright smile is priceless.
- One of her favorite games to play right now is 'lets hide anything I can get my hands on'. She has sent some toys in Ashton's bag, hid Root Beer in drawers, (closed canned, no she can not drink it!), sent a play spoon in my bookbag to school, hid the missing domino in the cabinets upstairs with the washrags, ect. We find little treasures to remind us of her EVERYWHERE. It's kinda cute unless you're looking for what's missing. Like her sippy cup that disappears on a regular basis.
- She can say "uh oh"
- She wakes up talking about Bub (my dad), and doesn't stop all day long. I've never seen a child love her grandpa as much as Braelle loves my dad. I mean she never even says momma or Chrissy or call Ashton anything even though we take care of her the most. All she wants to talk about is Bub...and it's sweet.
- She LOVES books. She started "reading" and studying them at 12 months. She turns the pages by herself, and is completely satisfied looking at books all day long. Smart girl!
- Her favorite food is grapes and carrots.. but that hasn't really changed.
- Oh yeah, she can walk backwards. haha